"We came here... Nobody was ready and nobody ever could have been. No matter how subtly we walk, the sheen of our ships swallows their attention and the impact of our gifts will not stop changing the world they all thought they knew."
"Gifts?" said a small voice lisped by new tusks.
"Yes honey, when we came the only true language the Aardvarkian's spoke was offering. We had to give them something so.. they would trust us enough not to..." The wise creature looked down at her daughter.
"Rest, honey, tomorrow ill tell you everything you need to know"
As the northern edge of the sun dipped below the furthest peak within render distance, her eyes shut as if in sync with the universe.
"Rory!.. Rorrrrrrry!!"
"im up" Rory said softly, rubbing the sleep from her light gray eyelids.
"RORRY!" Trumpeted her mother loudly.
"I SAID IM UP MOM!" Rory yelled, rolling dramatically out of bed onto all fours. "STOP YELLING AT ME!"
Rory added.
They continued to get ready for the day as if nothing were different about it. Rory bathed and equipped her armor, today was different though. Today she wore ceremonial dress and walked down the stairs of her mother's ship.
Smiling, Chesteale said to her daughter "Its not every day my little girl turns 200, you better go back upstairs and make sure you rolled out of the right side of the bed for your big day"
"I didn't sleep Mom, Im driving today"
"Right, thaat makes sense" Chesteale said sarcastically.
"You know what i love about Aardvark Mom, the one good thing.." Rory laughed
They arrived quickly and early, hovering just out of view of the crowd. Many ships hovered in the air around the island spread far apart to show courtesy.
"What is he going to say?" Rory asked as the two decorated elephants stared skyward out the porthole at the giant golden ship approaching from elevation.
"You've been to one of these before.. only you would know if he's planning something special for you.." Chesteale chuckled
"I hope not.." grumbled Rory
"Its time" said Chesteale as she smoothly accelerated towards the harbor along with several other ships.
To be continued...